Why Do You Love Me?
I’m standing on the train on my way to work writing this blog post. I don’t want to forget what happened this morning, I don’t want to miss a word, so I need to write it now as I want to record every second of an interesting conversation little man and I had bright and early.

On the way to school, we usually spell words and do phonics, however today was a little different. Little man suddenly stopped and asked:
“Why do you love me?
Why do I love you?
I don’t know why you love me or why I love you, but I love you!
Why do you love me mummy?”
I stopped for a second, I wasn’t too sure what to say. Of course I love my son more than anything, but what are we meant to say to a four year old child when they ask us why we love them?
I tried to explained why I love him by saying:
“I love since you were in mummy’s belly, you were very little…”
“Like a seed mummy?” – he asked
“Yes, like a seed, I love you since you were a seed, them you were a baby boy. Now you are a big boy and you give me the best cuddles and kisses, that’s why I love you!”
Little man then looked at me and said:
“I still don’t know why I love you…”
Sometimes I wonder what goes through little man’s head, why did he suddenly start thinking about it?
Whatever it may be, I hope he realises soon why he loves me…. But if he doesn’t, it’s ok, as long as he still loves me!
I’m linking up with PODcast #whatsthestory
I’m linking up with The Oliver’s Madhouse #MagicMoments