About Me
Welcome to my World, Lilinha Angel’s World!
I am a busy mum, juggling full-time work, family life, little man’s clubs, toddler groups and blogging.
I love my boys and hubby, they are my World!
A lot has changed since the blog was launched in 2012 – check out our first blog picture (little man was so small at the time!). However we still love enjoy spending quality time with my family, baking, trying new recipes, reading, blogging and spreading the word about great products on our blog Lilinha Angel’s World.
I am open to new products and opportunities! We enjoy trying new products together as a family, little man is now 11, our toddler is 2 and hubby is a chef. We enjoy visiting new places on a family day out and holidays, travelling, trying different cuisine and having fun!
Not only we love reviewing products for great companies, we are also happy to consider brand ambassador positions if they are the right fit for my family and my blog. If you have any questions, I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me!

You can get in touch by leaving a message through the contact form below or dropping an email [email protected]. You can also find me on Twitter @LilinhaAngel, @LilinhaWorld, Instagram @LilinhaAngel and Facebook Lilinha Angel’s World .
There is always a reason to smile and be happy!
Lilinha 🙂 x
Lilinha Angel’s World in the Press – Click here to find out where my work has been published
5 Random Facts About Me in The Versatile Blogger Award