Milestone: First School Homework
Little man started school a few weeks ago and I am pleased to report he is getting on really well and he has adapted to school life quickly. At the beginning I was a bit worried whether he would settle down well and whether he would make any friends.
As little man is a single child, he is used to entertaining himself and he loves reading books, there is nothing wrong with that, but I want to make sure he interacts with other children.
I got so happy the day he got home and told me he had five friends at school, he then went on telling me the names of his friends. I was pleased to see he was interacting with other kids, he has never had a problem before, but I was told that he would prefer to stay by himself at nursery in the book corner and read a book instead of playing with other children.

Yesterday he came home from school with his book bag and his first homework: Hairy Mclary’s book to read at home. This is just the first of a lifetime of school homework to come, I am looking forward to helping little man, I know sometimes he might struggle, but he loves reading books, so he is enjoying his first task.
We have been teaching him to read at home, so I was so excited when he read some of the book tonight before bedtime! I’m so pleased with my little boy, here is little man reading me a bedtime story, the first page of “Hairy Mclary’s Bone”:
“Down in the Town
By the butcher’s shop door,
sat Hairy Mclary
from the Donaldson’s Dairy”
I’m linking up with PODcast #whatsthestory
I’m linking up with The Oliver’s Madhouse #MagicMoments