I Dream of a White Holiday!
I am very lucky that mummy and daddy are from hot countries, and that we had the opportunity to visit our families abroad a few times. I’m only 4 years old and I’m blessed to have travelled to beautiful places and had the chance to meet our extended family. I’m learning my parents’ languages so I can speak to them next time. Want to meet my family?
Daddy was born in London, but his parents are from Cyprus. He loves playing football and getting involved in different activities. He’s a professional chef and he’s teaching me to make nice dishes. We enjoy ourselves in the kitchen, it’s great fun!

My first every holiday was to Cyprus in 2009 when I was only a few months old. It was a hard life lying by the beach and the pool all day, but I couldn’t walk at the time, so I had to just lie down and relax in the sunshine. I loved meeting daddy’s cousins and uncles, they are so sweet!

Daddy took us again to Cyprus in 2011, I was walking by then and had a great time strolling down the beach with mummy and daddy. My favourite activity during that holiday was throwing stones at the beach, I’m easily pleased, just give me mummy and daddy and we will have a perfect time together.
Mummy is from Brazil, she came to the UK when she was 18 and never went back. She is a Biologist, she loves travelling and considers her Life as an Eternal Holiday. She has been to several countries and really enjoys visiting new places, trying new cuisine and getting to know their culture. She’s a good swimmer and wannabe piano player.

Mummy has taken daddy and I to Brazil a few times. My first holiday to Brazil was in 2010 when I was only a year old. I love meeting my grandparents, my cousins and uncles, and trying coconut water for the very first time. Oh, I had so much fun swimming with daddy, it was a great holiday!

We returned to Brazil last year and it was amazing seeing our family over there again. We wish we could visit them more often, my vovos (grandparents in Portuguese) give me lots of sweets and cuddles and kisses, I miss them. We loved swimming in Brazil in 2012, we spent the whole summer there and it was full of laugher and smiles.
As you can see, we have been to several summer holidays, and we loved each and every one of them, we will never forget the priceless memories of our fun-filled sunny holidays. However we would love to go to a winter holiday for the very first time, we can’t ski but we would love to learn.

Mummy just told me that Mark Warner, the family activity holiday specialists, is currently looking for #MarkWarnerMum, so this is our chance to become a Mark Warner Holidays’ Blogger Family and work closely with Mark Warner. How amazing would that be?!Although we haven’t been to a ski holiday before, I’m sure it will be fun as we really enjoyed ourselves in a snow day in January, we had snowball fights and I even tried some of the snow. Yum, it tastes just like ice lolly, it is cold and fluffy, but it is not sweet. I might have fallen in the snow once or twice, it is a bit slippery, but it is so much fun playing in the snow.

We went sledging for the first time a few months ago and it was fantastic going down the slopes, it makes me wonder how amazing it would be skiing in a real slope. Mummy had one skiing lesson, she’s a beginner, but a fast-learner, I’m sure she will learn to ski in no time. Daddy and I are fast learners too, we enjoy new challenges and new experiences.

Nearly forgot to say, it’s mummy’s 30th birthday and mummy and daddy’s 10th wedding anniversary next year, so having a ski holiday for the very first time would be an amazing treat for the whole family.
Thank you for reading, now I should go back to dreaming of snow and a white holiday! I hope it comes true soon! In the meanwhile, I might put down ‘ski clothes’ in my Christmas list, who knows what the future might bring…!
This is our entry to become #MarkWarnerMum, part of Mark Warner Holidays’ Blogger Family.