Little Man’s Pocket Money #pktmnyparents
From my own experience of saving pocket money to buy things that I wanted, I am teaching my three and half year old boy the same principles I learnt while I was growing up. Although he is still young, he is aware that we need money to buy what we want from the shops.
My little boy is still little, but he is aware of the value of money. If we are out and he asks me to get him a toy, I would explain to him that I can’t buy it as I don’t have enough money for it. I rarely buy any toys on the spot while we are out. Instead, I will surprise him on his birthday or Christmas with his desired toy. The smile on his face is just priceless!
Whenever he sees any coins around the house, he runs to pick it up then asks us whether he can have it. We usually say yes, so he runs to his piggy bank to store it safely.
At the moment, little man is not saving for anything in particular, but he mentioned several times that he wants a trampoline. When I explained to him that we don’t have anywhere to put it, he said we could have the trampoline in the middle of the living room.
Unfortunately we can’t accommodate a trampoline where we live. We would have to move in order to get a trampoline, so I’m sure little man would be more than happy with Lego when he has enough money for it. He really enjoys playing with Lego and building different things with it.
Until recently little man was saving his pennies in his piggy bank, however we have now signed up to PKTMNY project through Britmus. PKTMNY is a fantastic new website where parents can control their children’s pocket money, set goals for earning and electronically transfer pocket money or earned rewards onto a special card that they control and that kids can actually use at the shops. Kids use the site to set savings goals, track their spending, manage their tasks or chores for earning, and create a wish list with pictures of the things they’re saving to buy. I will be blogging about PKTMNY soon!