Shopping Online at Herbalife

Herbalife Logo I was invited to take part in Mystery Shopping by purchasing Herbalife products to test their distribution and buying system.

My task was to use Herbalife website to follow the steps to contact a Herbalife Distributor. Once I filled in my details online, I received a text message from a Herbalife Distributor within 12 hours asking me for a suitable time to call me.Herbalife Form

He introduced himself, gave me the details of his online shop website and told me about his nutrition club where he offered free consultation and I could try samples before getting started on Herbalife programme.

I thought it was a great idea to have a nutrition club and, if it was closer to my house, I would have attended.

We arranged a phone call at lunch time and the distributor called me promptly. In the meanwhile, I checked the website to have an idea of the selection of products available.

Our conversation stated by him giving me an overview of Herbalife products and asking whether I had used Herbalife before.

As it’s my first time using Herbalife, I was explained the different programs for weight loss and weight maintenance. I gave the distributor my weight and height, so he could work out what would be suitable for me.

The Herbalife distributor asked me about my daily eating routine, what I would usually have on each meal of the day and advised me which products would be the best according to my lifestyle.

As part of my mystery shopping task, I had to order a selection of products, including at least one product from the Herbalife Formula One Management range.

During our conversation, we decided that it would be best if I purchased Formula One Weight Management shake, together with Gourmet Tomato Soup and Chocolate Peanut Protein Bars.Herbalife Products

The distributor recommendation was tailored to my routine, lifestyle and which products I would prefer to include in my meals. After our phone call, I placed my order online and received a confirmation within the same day that my order was already dispatched.

It took less than 24 hours from the time I filled in my details online on Herbalife website to receiving a delivery confirmation.

I was quite impressed with the level of detail and knowledge of the distributor, we had a long phone call and he was very attentive at all times.

He shared which products he used and which flavours he preferred. It was a very personal phone call and I felt he was giving me his full attention.

Somehow I missed the courier delivery and didn’t get my parcel until a week later, but it is not Herbalife’s fault. The late delivery is all down to the courier company in question that didn’t rearrange my delivery when I first called them.

Once my order reached me, I was pleased with how it was packaged and arranged. After ordering, I have received a couple of newsletters with top tips on how get fit and healthier.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed buying Herbalife from start to finish, I received a quick and personal response. It was very straight forward and the distributor was very helpful. Now that half term is over and life is back to normal, I will start using Herbalife and let you know how I get on.

You can get into touch with a Herbalife distributor by leaving your details online at

I received a voucher to shop at Herbalife for review purposes. However the opinions expressed in this review are honest and my own.

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