Competition & Review: Pumpazing Action Game by Drumond Park

Little man really likes Drumond Park games, we have reviewed Spin Mania and Box of Shocks!
Pumpazing (RRP £19.99) is an exciting, energising pumping game, developed specifically for pre-schoolers up to around 6 years old.
Pumpazing is incredibly simple to operate even the under-threes will be able to get their little arms pumping away on Zingy – their cheeky, colourful friend.

He’s a mischievous character who emits hilarious sounds and will get them jigging and jumping around as they pump, pump, pump away – trying not to get buzzed!
Pumpazing comes complete with four coloured Zinger heads – and it’s child’s play to place the Zingers in position along the top of the Zingy. In the simple ‘starter’ version of the game, little children take it in turns – pass-the-parcel style – to pump Zingy’s arms as fast and furiously as they can until Zingy shouts “zing” or “boing” and one of the Zingers comes flying off…

Then it’s on to the next player as fast as they can! But if Zingy says “Uh Oh” as the Zinger shoots across as the room, the player is out – and the next child grabs Zingy and starts pumping away! In the meantime, the other players will also be getting a work-out, running all over the place to pick up the Zingers!
Older children will enjoy playing the full version of the game, where they start off with an allocation of Zingy Cards, depending on the number of children playing.

Because if Zingy says “Uh-Oh”, they lose a card… and they just never know when he’s going to do it. It’s a manic, crazy pump to the last – with screams and wails of laughter, frustration, and finally … triumph! The last player with a Life Card left is the winner!
Pumpazing is unusual because it’s a lively action game that even really little pre-schoolers can enjoy. I must admit that little man liked Zingy and the Zinger heads as soon as he saw them. He’s been enjoying Pumpazing and having a great time.
I really like the fact that you can adapt Pumpazing depending on the age of the children playing. If they are little, you can play without the cards, and if they are a bit older, they can have the Zingy Cards to make Pumpazing even more entertaining.
Drumond Park is widely available from most major toy shops, department stores, catalogue and online trader. Stockists’ information number is 01506 855577 or visit their website:
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Competition open to UK residents until 23.59pm on Monday 8th April.
Good Luck everyone! x
T&C’s: The winner will be picked by after the closing date on 8th April 2013. Lilinha Angel’s World will contact the winner by email or Twitter within 7 days wherever possible and will allow 7 days for a reply. Open to over 18′s and UK only. If I do not hear anything within this time period I reserve the right to redraw a winner. Lilinha Angel’s World decision is final.
ThePrizeFinder – UK Competitions
*WINNER* Robyn Clarke @robynlclarke