True Story: ExSmokers are Unstoppable
I live with an ex-smoker. Hubby started smoking when he was only 15 years old and he would smoke around 20 a day until the day he asked me to help him to quit smoking.
I always try and help those that ask me, so of course I did whatever I could. We used to work together at the time and, as soon as he mentioned the words “quit smoking”, I popped out and got him some nicotine chewing gum.
When I got back to work, I gave him the chewing gum and by the time I was reading the instructions, I looked at hubby and he had already put in his mouth and he was chewing it, he didn’t like at all and ended up throwing it away.
Hubby found quite difficult quit smoking, but he was determined to do it and he wouldn’t give up. Soon after, we went to Germany for a long weekend to watch Greece playing in the Confederations Cup in 2005.
While we were away, hubby was busy and entertained with other things, so it was a bit easier to control his cravings.
However when we got back home, he was really tempted to start smoking again.
I was starting a new job the following day and he waited for me to leave home, he picked up a cigarette from a hidden box, but he couldn’t lighten it up. That was the day he decided he wanted to be an ex-smoker.
Needless to say, hubby feels so much better since he quit smoking and he feels unstoppable!
The benefits of being an ex-smoker are endless: your food tastes nicer, your clothes don’t smell, you become healthier and you also save a lot of money!
I love the fact I’m not married to a smoker anymore, our house smells much nicer and his clothes smell fresher. Not only we are saving on cigarettes, we are probably also saving on air fresheners and mints!
Since hubby quit smoking, he started playing football and he’s now a goalkeeper for a local team.
He enjoys life much more now that he doesn’t smoke. It’s been nearly 8 years since he had his last cigarette and he believes it is one of the best decisions he’s ever made – after marrying me, of course!
Hubby found quite hard stop smoking, it would have been much easier if he knew about ExSmokers, which is a campaign by the EU to try and help people stop smoking.
They have an app for quitting smoking called the iCoach. The platform, which is free of charge, is available in 23 official EU languages. iCoach has been proven effective, more than 30% of people who used iCoach quit smoking.