A Dazzling Smile with Beverly Hills!
We are all after a perfect smile and white teeth. Beverly Hills Formula Perfect White contains ingredients that offer a high performance whitening boost.

Professional stain dissolving agents help remove stains with ultimate low abrasion leaving your teeth appearing and feeling brighter all day, while regular use will help to prevent tartar build up, keeping your teeth whiter for longer.
Beverly Hills Formula Perfect White and Perfect White Sensitive toothpastes are at your side to help you achieve that “Hollywood smile” in just 5 minutes, making your teeth whiter to ensure you are irresistible to kiss this summer!

Favoured by the Stars, you too can get the “Celebrity smile!” for the summer months ahead! So get ready to pucker those lips with our ‘Countdown to Summer Top Tips’ brought to you by Beverly Hills Formula:
- Water is vital for a healthy mind and body, so get drinking 8 glasses per day to achieve sparkling skin, eyes and teeth!
- Did you know that sun kissed skin makes teeth appear whiter? Well, it does! So this summer is the perfect time to get those teeth shining!
- A healthy-balanced diet will not only help you achieve that ‘bikini body’; it will also help keep those nashers in shape!
- White is ‘on trend’ for the SS13 season, but this colour can make stains appear more noticeable. So detox those teeth in time for summer to ensure you rock the monochrome look with confidence!
- Summer is all about colourful clothes and makeup. Red lips never go out of fashion and are a key look against sun-kissed skin. So, use a blue-based red lipstick as this counteracts any yellow, making your teeth appear whiter.
- Get those teeth gleaming in the sunshine by using Beverly Hills Perfect White or Perfect White Sensitive twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. Remember to brush for at least two minutes each time!
I’ve noticed a Tooth Tip in the box, to help achieve whiter teeth in just one minute: for perfect stain removal, leave on teeth for up to one minute before brushing (do not swallow), helping restore your teeth natural white colour without harsh abrasives or bleach.
This summer, I will be sporting a perfect smile with whiter teeth, thanks to Beverly Hills Formula Perfect White!
Beverly Hills Perfect White is available at RRP £3.99 from Superdrug. For more information, please visit http://www.beverlyhillsformula.com/
The product was provided free of charge for review purposes. However the opinions expressed in this review are honest and my own.