Competition: Win 30 Pasante Clear Sign Pregnancy Test
Pasante has a range of products including pregnancy tests. If you are trying for a baby like us, you will notice that you will spend more time at the pharmacy buying pregnancy tests than anywhere else.
Pasante Clear Sign Pregnancy Tests come in two different types: Dip and Read, and Midstream tests.

Clear Sign Dip and Read are EU approved and used my medical professionals. Each box comes with 3 x hCG Dip and Read Pregnancy tests, they are over 99% accurate and easy to read. They offer instant results within a minute or two of dipping it into a sample of urine, letting you know whether you are pregnant or not.

Clear Sign Midstream Test also offers results as early as one minute, there are 2x hCG Midstream Pregnancy Tests in one pack, offering easy to read results which are more than 99% accurate.
Please note that a negative result may be obtained by a mother in the very early stages of pregnancy due to extremely low concentration of hCG. In such cases, the test should be repeated on a fresh sample of urine to be obtained three days later.

I am pleased to say that Pasante is offering a Clear Sign Pregnancy Test Bundle to one of my readers with a total of 30 tests: 6 x 3’s packs of Clear Sign Dip and Read tests and 6 x 2’s packs of Clear Sign Midstream tests. For your chance to win, please enter via Rafflecopter.
T&C’s: The winner will be picked by Rafflecopter after the closing date on Thursday 13th June 2013. Lilinha Angel’s World will contact the winner by email or Twitter within 7 days wherever possible and will allow 7 days for a reply. Open to over 18′s and UK only. If I do not hear anything within this time period I reserve the right to redraw a winner. Lilinha Angel’s World decision is final.
Good Luck everyone! x
ThePrizeFinder – UK Competitions