Room for Improvement: Kids Bedroom Makeover on Budget

I love anything to do with saving money and working in a tight budget, I like stretching our hard working money as much as possible, so when I heard about MoneySupermarket’s Room for Improvement, my little heart skipped a beat!

I was asked to be creative and show how I could improve a room in my home for just £50 and how I managed to stretch the money. It could be anything from a lick of paint on a wall, creating a centre piece or recovering an old chair.

Before: Little Man's Bedroom
Before: Little Man’s Bedroom

As soon as I heard about the challenge, I thought about little man’s bedroom. It doesn’t need to be painted as we changed the colour a couple of years ago, however he has far too many toys, coming out of his toy box, and his toy corner needed sorting out.

Before: Little Man's Toys
Before: Little Man’s Toys

Besides, his bedroom lacked personality. There is nothing wrong with it, but it was missing something that would reflect his cute and cheeky self.

I went to our local shopping centre and bought the following:

  • Canvas 30×40 cm – £3 (Tiger)
  • Wall Sticker – £2 (Tiger)
  • Frame Photo A4  – £3 (Tiger)
  • Small Canvas – 4 x £1 (Tiger)
  • Poster Paint – £3 (Tiger)
  • Glue Glitter – £3 (Tiger)
  • DIY Paint Animal – £3 (Tiger)
  • Digger Cover Set – £6.73 (Argos)
  • Monkeys Cover Set – £3.36 (Argos)
  • Hollowfibre Pillow – £2.94 (Argos)
  • Canvas Storage Cubes – £9.99 (Argos)
  • Colour Match Shade – £4.99 (Argos)

I managed to buy 12 items for under £50, it all cost £49.01 to be exact! I didn’t need two duvet covers, but it was on offer for buy one, get another one half price, so I thought it would be nice to have two sets to go with his new room – and I love a bargain!

Once I got home with 4 full bags, I was ready to start our room for improvement challenge! We started by doing handprints in the large canvas, little man had lots of fun doing it!

Canvas Handprinting
Canvas Handprinting

Our next task was to paint toys spelled out on each of the small canvas, to be placed just above the toy corner. Little man enjoyed doing some finger painting for the signs. Little man also painted his DIY dinosaur for the window sill.

Painting Toys Sign
Painting Toys Sign

Once the painting was drying, we started tidying up the toys and organising them in the new storage boxes. It looks much nicer than how it was before!

After: Little Man's Toys
After: Little Man’s Toys

We then placed little man’s personalised Toys sign above the toy corner to add some more colour to his bedroom.

After: Toys Sign
After: Toys Sign

We also changed the light shade to a blue one, and added his painted dinosaur to the window sill.

After: Light Shade and Painted Dinosaur
After: Light Shade and Painted Dinosaur

His bedding was changed for the new one, tractor duvet cover matching his wallpaper. Lately I’ve noticed that little man’s baby pillow was getting small, so now he has his first grown up pillow and he was all excited about having a big pillow just like mummy and daddy.

After: Little Man's Bedroom
After: Little Man’s Bedroom

Above little man’s bed, we added his handprint canvas and robot wall stickers around it to make his bedroom bright and colourful, making his bedroom more personalised to his taste and age.

After: Handprint Canvas
After: Handprint Canvas

Overall, we are very pleased with little man’s new bedroom. He couldn’t wait to go to bed and, once he was lying down on his new duvet cover and pillow, he was checking out his new wall art and he said it looks gorgeous! The big smile on his face was just priceless!

I must say we did much more than what I thought we would be able to, showing that it is possible to transform a room, making it more personal and tidy in a tight budget. We had a lot of fun undertaking the Kids Bedroom Makeover on Budget. You can add a canvas here, put some storage boxes there and then you have a new room!

 This is my entry for MoneySupermarket Room for Improvement Challenge.