Mobile Phone for Kids: 1stFone
When I heard about 1stFone made-to-order handset for children, I was intrigued, it is a brand new design of phone that connects your child with the people they need by pressing a name. It works as a standard mobile phone, you can make and receive phone calls to pre-programmed numbers.

1stFone is compact, easy to use and screen-free. It is lightweight and perfect for little hands. Little man is only 4, so you might be wondering if he actually needs a mobile phone. The answer is, he would probably survive a few more years without having one, but if there is a mobile phone out there designed for children which can make our life easier, why not?!

Little man loves his 1stFone and I love the fact I can call him and also that he can call us whenever he wants to. It definitely makes me feel more relaxed knowing that I can get hold of him anytime. Since 1stFone is personalised, you can design it only and choose your favourite style and colour. I picked a cool dinosaur style for little man as he loves dinosaurs.

We have been trying 1stFone for a few weeks and we have been impressed from the moment we received it. It was very easy to design it online and it arrived within a few days. I really like the fact it comes ready to use with the numbers that you pick, in our case, mum and dad’s number. You can have two, four, eight or twelve name buttons. It comes with a handy neck strap, so the phone can stay safe around the child’s neck.

1stFone is great for children as it is extremely easy to use. Little man is 4 and he has no problems using it. He knows which button to press to call mummy and which button to press to answer the phone. The buttons are large and very clear. I really like the fact it has no screen, no games, no internet and no texting, so it is simply used to make and receive calls.

Another great benefit of 1stFone is the fact that it looks like a toy phone. While we are out and about, nobody actually realised little man has a real mobile phone around his neck. As it is small, it doesn’t attract much attention and it has little value for anyone else as it can only call pre-programmed numbers.

1stFone handsets are available from £55 and there are a range of affordable price plans. You can either choose a Pay Monthly or Pay As You Go price plan. At the beginning, we had it Pay Monthly for the first month, then we simply called and switched to Pay As You Go, it was simple and easy. If you prefer, you can also pay for 6 or 12 months of airtime up front at a discounted price.
Little man loves his 1stFone and I believe it is perfect for children to keep in touch with their loved ones! You can design your own at, get in touch with 1stFone on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.
The product was provided free of charge for review purposes. However the opinions expressed in this review are honest and my own.