Tidy Books Kids Bookcase: Review and Competition
Little man loves reading books and we try and encourage him to read as much as possible. I started reading books from a young age and I still love reading, so I want him to be the same and still love books when he grows up.
During the day, he reads books at nursery and at home. Every night, he picks a book that we read for him before bed. Reading a bedtime story is a lovely way to bond and wind down after a busy day, he looks forward to it every night.

In case you haven’t noticed the badge at the sidebar on my blog, I am delighted to be invited to be a Tidy Books Ambassador and I am looking forward to working with Tidy Books for the next year. I will be reviewing their products and my readers can get a 15% discount off any product from the entire Tidy Books range by using the code AMB15.

Tidy Books’ story began in 2004 with the original award winning Tidy Books Children’s Bookcase, designed by a mum, and company founder Geraldine Grandidier for her daughter in her violin workshop. She wanted a bookcase that was easy for her child to use independently, was practical, was compact and stylish and encouraged a love of books. Since then other designs have joined the family; all original concepts designed to encourage independence in children, look great in the home and finished in an eco friendly water lacquer.

Our first product to review is Tidy Books Kids Bookcase (RRP £119), we chose the natural finish design with capital letters. Little man loved his Tidy Books bookcase straight away, he was very excited from the moment it was delivered and he saw the pictures on the box. Daddy put it together following the instructions provided and he said it was easy and straight forward to assemble the bookcase.

Once it was ready and set up, little man helped me to organise his books and move them from his broken bookcase to his very own Tidy Books bookcase. He had a lot of fun organising them by collection and size. He loves how colourful the letters are in his bookcase and he keeps asking me: “Mummy, what starts with A? Mummy what starts with B? Mummy, what starts with C?” and he goes on and on.

I love the great quality of the Tidy Books bookcase and how many books fit in it. The bookcase has a slimline design that takes very little floor space. When I first saw it, I wasn’t convinced I would be able to put all little man’s books in the bookcase, but I was surprised when they all fit in. It has a capacity of 85 books with different shapes and sizes and it is quite wide. I was able to organise the books by collection with around 5-6 books per collection.

Tidy Books bookcase has a front panel to keep the books in place and it fixes safely and securely to the wall. It is finished in eco-friendly water lacquer and low VOCs and it comes with a 5 year warranty.

Overall, we absolutely love our Tidy Books bookcase, it is a great way to store and display books, little man now enjoys reading his books even more. For your chance to win the same Tidy Books bookcase in Natural, simply fill in your details at Tidy Books Facebook Page by 19th August. Good luck!

The product was provided free of charge for review purposes. However the opinions expressed in this review are honest and my own.