Summer Holiday Activities with Asda: Ice Cream Burgers #SaveSummer

Summer’s officially here and we have been invited take part in Asda’s latest campaign, #SaveSummer, to keep little entertained over the summer holidays. Asda have thought of a fabulous list of wild and wonderful activities that are sure to get you in the summer mood. All the ingredients for the activities can be ordered at

This is the third week, so far we have done Week 1: Grow Green Hair and Week 2: Angry Water Birds – little man and his cousins are loving #SaveSummer activities! 🙂

Ice Cream Burgers
Ice Cream Burgers

Week 3: Ice Cream Burgers

Let’s save the summer tradition of burned barbecues and have frozen burgers instead! Little man and his cousins had a lot of fun making Ice Cream Burgers. When I first told little man about it, he asked “Ice Cream What? We can’t have Ice Cream Burgers mummy!”. I said “Yes we can, I will show you how!”

You will need:

  • Ice Cream
  • Biscuits, Cookies and Waffles
  • Ice Cream Sauce
  • Ice Cream Toppings
  • Apples
Ice Cream
Ice Cream


  1. Put a scoop of ice cream in between two biscuits

    Ice Cream Burger
    Ice Cream Burger
  2. Get creative with your toppings and have a look at other people’s burgers for inspiration

    Eating Ice Cream Burger
    Eating Ice Cream Burger
  3. Demolish the ice cream burger

    Eating Ice Cream Burger
    Eating Ice Cream Burger
  4. Add your ice cream aftermath to the gallery using the hashtag #SaveSummer

    Ice Cream Burger Fun
    Ice Cream Burger Fun

The kids were free to make their own inventions by adding as much ice cream to the biscuits as they wanted, then sprinkling a generous amount of toppings and sauces! It was all a bit sticky, but they had a great time!

Apple Chips
Apple Chips

The ice cream burgers were served with Apple Chips: freshly cut apple chips with a delicious strawberry sauce side. The kids loved the chip-style apple slices and ate it all in seconds!

Eating Apple Chips
Eating Apple Chips

Little man is already planning on making different ice cream burgers, he is full of ideas for our next ice cream fun! You can download the Diner Menu for inspiration from

I was invited to take part in the #SaveSummer campaign and the materials were provided. However the opinions expressed in this review are honest and my own.

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