Weight Loss: Alli Diet Pills Update
I should start by saying that I’m very proud of hubby, he’s lost over 2 stones in the past few months. It hasn’t been easy, it has taken a lot of determination and perseverance, but it’s not impossible. If he’s done it, I’m sure anyone can do it.
A few months ago, hubby started to be more conscious of what he was eating when he realised that he needed to lose weight. His body mass index (BMI) was nearly 35 at the time, which is considered obese, when he decided that he wanted to lose weight due to high risks of healthy problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer.
Hubby then started a diet and lowered his BMI to 33, we were then offered the opportunity to try diet pills and hubby has been Losing Weight with Alli Diet Pills over the past couple of months. He has been taking Alli diet pills daily with every meal, together with healthy eating and exercise.
So how did hubby got on with Alli diet pills? Although he didn’t lose a large amount of weight, he lost 4kgs in two months, around a pound per week during the school holidays while he was off from work. In previous years, he has put on weight while on holiday, so he was pleasantly surprised with the weight loss this time.
Besides, hubby is certain he will lose weight in the future due to what he has learnt while taking Alli. The diet pills work in the digestive system to stop about a quarter of the fat in the meals from being absorbed, this fat passes out of the body and may cause changes to bowel movements.
To help you reach your weight loss goal, you need to set two daily targets, one for calories and one for fat. Alli also offers a free personalised support programme online with useful tools to help you lose weight and stay motivated. You should follow a low-fat diet while taking Alli to reduce the common side effects, such as wind with or without spotting, sudden or more frequent bowel motions and soft stools.
Hubby learnt that by eating lower fat meals he could manage the diet-related treatment effects, while maximizing weight loss results. While taking Alli diet pills, hubby has been more aware of what he was eating and he reduced his consumption of fatty food.
Hubby is extremely happy with his weight loss so far, he had a great experience with Alli diet pills, it helped him to lose weight and get closer to a healthy weight, his BMI is just over 29, so he is no longer considered obese, he is in the overweight band. Furthermore, he is now more conscious of his food options and he is still following a low-fat diet as he learnt to eat healthy and be more active. He will be on a diet for a few more weeks until he reaches his goal weight and a healthy BMI of 25.
Although Alli diet pills are not magic pills, they are efficient and help you to reach a healthy weight and follow a low-calorie and low-fat diet. Hubby had a very positive experience and he will recommend it if you need to lose weight.
For more information, please check http://www.alli.co.uk/
The product was provided free of charge for review purposes. However the opinions expressed are honest and our own.