Why Do You Love Me?

I’m standing on the train on my way to work writing this blog post. I don’t want to forget what happened this morning, I don’t want to miss a word, so I need to write it now as I want to record every second of an interesting conversation little man and I had bright and early.

Little Man on Way to School
Little Man on Way to School

On the way to school, we usually spell words and do phonics, however today was a little different. Little man suddenly stopped and asked:

“Why do you love me?
Why do I love you?
I don’t know why you love me or why I love you, but I love you!
Why do you love me mummy?”

I stopped for a second, I wasn’t too sure what to say. Of course I love my son more than anything, but what are we meant to say to a four year old child when they ask us why we love them?

I tried to explained why I love him by saying:

“I love since you were in mummy’s belly, you were very little…”
“Like a seed mummy?” – he asked
“Yes, like a seed, I love you since you were a seed, them you were a baby boy. Now you are a big boy and you give me the best cuddles and kisses, that’s why I love you!”

Little man then looked at me and said:
“I still don’t know why I love you…”

Sometimes I wonder what goes through little man’s head, why did he suddenly start thinking about it?

Whatever it may be, I hope he realises soon why he loves me…. But if he doesn’t, it’s ok, as long as he still loves me!

I’m linking up with PODcast #whatsthestory

I’m linking up with The Oliver’s Madhouse #MagicMoments


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