Football Family Fun #MWactive
We are having so much family fun lately, from Little Adventures at the park at the beginning of the month, in which we were looking for bugs, insects and spiders; to a Family Fun Day in the Park in which the whole family had a great time looking for conkers and also playing in the playground.

We have also visited another park and had some Pedalling Family Fun at the Lake, it was hard work, but very enjoyable. We loved pedalling together for the very first time. Since then, we had another family fun day, this time we were playing football. Hubby loves football and I’m Brazilian, so football is in my blood and roots. We braved the wind and played a good old game of football, we had such an enjoyable time running around after the ball and giggling along.

October is a Stay Active month and in order to encourage children and parents alike to stay fit and healthy, Mark Warner, the family activity holiday specialists, is hosting the Stay Active Family Challenge. We have agreed on taking part of the challenge by spending a minimum of 4 hours over the month taking part in activities of our choice as a family, and we are having a great time being active together!

The wind was making my hair very messy, making my hair go in my eyes, so that’s why I lost the ball a few times – even to little man. Oh well, that’s my excuse anyway! It was just a friendly game, a good excuse to get out of the house and run around for a while.

After our football game, we explored our surroundings and went on a mushroom hunt. We found two pretty mushrooms – can you tell I’m a biologist? Little man wanted to pick them and take home, but I explained that not all mushrooms are edible, so we better stick to the ones at our local supermarket.

We are enjoying keeping active this month, and once the challenge ends, we will keep up the good work and be more active. Not only we are making an effort to get out of the house more and be as active as possible together, we are also incorporating more walking into our daily activities.
As an example, after our mushroom hunt, we had to go shopping, so instead of jumping in the car, we all walked together, half an hour each way. We were knackered by the time we got back home as we ended up being out the whole afternoon, but we had such a great time and lots of fresh air.
We are enjoying sharing our activities as part of Mark Warner Stay Active Family Challenge, hopefully we are an inspiration for you all to get out and enjoy being active too.
I would love to hear what you are up to this month? Please feel free to share your activities and any suggestions you may have. Why not share your pictures or tweets with Mark Warner on twitter @mwholidays using the hashtag #mwactive. You can also search the hashtag for inspiration.