Indoor Family Fun: Twister
We enjoy spending time together as a family, we love going out, but we also like enjoying each other’s company indoors. Now that little man has started school and the summer nights slowly draw in, it is more likely that our evenings will be spent indoors rather than doing outdoor activities.
Our evenings are usually quite busy, from the time we get home, have dinner, shower, do some housework, by the time we realise it is time to get ready for bed, it was nice to do something different to our usual routine. 1926 Wood Flooring recognise the importance of spending quality time with your family and friends at home and offered us the opportunity to review a board game of our choice. We picked Twister as it is a game that suits all ages, sure to have a laugh as you twist yourself around to make sure you reach your circle.

With electronic devices such as TVs, ipads and computer games becoming the norm for evening entertainment, a night of board games is the perfect way to be more sociable and spend some quality time with your partner, or friends and family.
Board games are generally regarded as a Christmas pastime, where the whole family gets together in one room and enjoys each other’s company, but why not recreate this happy time throughout the year? If it’s a success, you could make board game evenings a regular event in your social calendar.

It was so much fun playing Twister (RRP £14.99, on sale on Amazon for £10.57), it is a game that ties you up in knots. It is very easy to play, you simply need to spin the spinner, then move your hands and feet from one coloured dot to another. There are also two new moves, ‘air’ and ‘spinners choice’ to get you even more tangled.
After enjoying our Indoor Family Fun evening, we will be doing it more often. Thank you to 1926 Wood Flooring for the opportunity of reviewing Twister and having a laugh together as a family. The whole family had a great time!
The product was provided free of charge for review purposes. However the opinions expressed in this review are honest and my own.