Nokia Gives a Classic Drama a Modern Twist #Nokia4Drama

To celebrate Nokia sponsoring Channel 4 Drama in 2013, Nokia set out to make Sunday nights more dramatic by featuring live consumer twitpics on TV. Nokia bought live consumer twitpics to television on Nokia idents in-between the hit show Homeland.

Nokia4Drama idents Fans of Nokia and Drama on 4 were encouraged to tweet pictures of themselves using #Nokia4Drama for the chance to appear on the IDENTS which are shown before and during the Channel 4 drama series.

The campaign began on the 8th December 2013, with fans being challenged to tweet their best selfie disguise. One of the winners Linzi_Moo, sent in her ‘geek’ inspired disguise selfie.

They’ve now also spun some classic drama’s in to modern day social media pieces, such as Aladdin, Romeo & Juliet and A Christmas Carol.

The stunt and festive videos are to raise awareness of the fun Christmas competition for fans of drama to tweet in their dramatic pictures to #Nokia4Drama for a chance to appear on the Nokia adverts in-between the showing of Homeland – a first for consumer generated content being featured live on a TV advert!

The next competition is to send in your ‘Christmas S-elfie’ to #Nokia4Drama on the 22nd December from 8pm. In the meanwhile, you can watch the Alladin video below: