COMPETITION: Win 1 of 10 Joulo Energy Saving Technology Device
I believe understanding more about your energy usage is the first step towards reducing energy bills and saving money. As a family, we try to save as much energy as we can by turning down our thermostat and unplugging electronics left on standby.

I have recently discovered a very clever device called Joulo, it provides personalised energy advice on how to save energy by remotely and digitally logging how much energy your devices are using. It sounds complicated but Joulo can help you save energy in three simple steps:
Record: Place Joulo on top of the thermostat in your home and press the button to begin. The button will flash green to show that logging has started.

Upload: After a week, the button will flash red. Plug Joulo into your computer’s USB port then log on to the website and follow the steps to upload your data.
View: The algorithms analyse your data and give personalised advice on how to save energy and make your home more comfortable.
Isn’t it great that such a small device can help us understand better how our home consumes energy and reduce our energy bills with personalised advice from Joulo. This new innovation is part of the Hive technology group by British Gas. You can read more about the award winning device here:
For your chance to win 1 of 5 Joulo devices, please fill in the Rafflecopter below. You MUST leave a comment and subscribe by email (compulsory entries), you can also gain extra entries by tweeting (daily entry), subscribing to other social media channels, etc.
Fancy winning other prizes? Check out my BLOG COMPETITION PAGE!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
There are 10 Joulo devices to be won, 5 on the blog and 5 on Twitter. Another chance to win, follow and RT this tweet:
Follow and RT @LilinhaAngel to win 1 of 5 @myjoulo personalised energy device. T&Cs and more chances to win at
— Lilinha Espindula (@LilinhaAngel) April 16, 2014
T&C’s: The winner will be picked by Rafflecopter after the closing date on Friday 2nd May 2014. Lilinha Angel’s World will contact the winner by email or Twitter within 7 days wherever possible and will allow 7 days for a reply. Open to over 18′s and UK only. If I do not hear anything within this time period I reserve the right to redraw a winner. Lilinha Angel’s World decision is final.
Good Luck everyone! x