Fresh Tips on Saving Money Whilst on Holiday

As people become more and more well-travelled, the ways in which you can spend a bomb whilst on holiday become more and more apparent. Whether it’s extortionate dining, overpriced transport, souvenir scams or good old-fashioned tourist traps, there’s plenty of ways you can end up out of pocket during your travels.

As such, it’s best to stay ahead of the game and on top of all the latest money saving tips whenever possible. Here’s a few helpful tips that will help you save a bit of extra cash during your next holiday- for plenty more check out Dealcheckers Ultimate guide to saving money whilst on holiday.    


1) Picnic packing

Eating out in restaurants three times a day can cost a fortune, especially if you’ve got kids in tow. Why not make considerable savings by packing food prior to heading out. Lunchtime in a park or in a scenic setting can also be a lot nicer than eating out in a busy, noisy (and of course, pricey) restaurant.

2)  Pre-paid credit cards

If you’re the type of person who isn’t good at, or simply doesn’t enjoy keeping track of money expenditure, set yourself a holiday spending cap by investing in a pre-paid credit card. You can top up the cards with an amount of your choice (in the currency you need) prior to your trip. Sightseeing Local Architecture2

3) Free sightseeing

We all know that entry fees to tourist sites everywhere can cost a fair amount. Of course that doesn’t rule out the possibility altogether (I mean, who would go to Beijing and not scale the Great Wall?), but sometimes just as much, if not more fun can be had exploring local markets, admiring the architecture or simply taking a trip off the beaten track and into the countryside.

4) When in Rome… eat local!

It may sound clichéd, but there really is no better way to make your money stretch (and your taste buds pulsate) than eating out at local restaurants. If you ever fancy eating out, then be sure to do as the locals do and dine in the best popular local restaurants. Not only will they be cheaper, but the food will of course be much tastier and authentic than opposed to what you get in a chain restaurant.

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