Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe in De’Longhi Multifry

We have been trying De’Longhi Multifry over the next few weeks and have made a selection of delicious family dishes, including Greek style meatballs keftedesTraditional Brazilian pastel, Prawn and Mixed Peppers Risotto,  Breaded Prawns and Mushrooms with Chips and Potato Tortilla.

After trying so many savoury recipes, we decided to have a go at making something sweet in the De’Longhi Multifry – a low-oil air fryer and multicooker, with a unique and innovative Surround Heat System.

Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe
Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe

The De’Longhi Multifry Recipe Book app is full of tasty recipes, divided by starter/ finger food, main dishes, side dishes, dessert and sauces. If you have a particular ingredient in mind, you can choose from potato, quiche/ pizza, cake, poultry, meat, fish, rice, pasta, vegetables, cheese, eggs or fruit.

In the dessert section, I spotted Bread and Butter Pudding, one of our favourite desserts, so decided to give it a go. The original recipe used white bread and raisins, but instead we used brown bread and chocolate chips.

We loved the results, the bread and butter pudding was beautifully cooked and very tasty. How would think it was possible to make desserts in a multifry?!

Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe in De'Longhi Multifry
Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe in De’Longhi Multifry
Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe in De'Longhi Multifry
Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe in De’Longhi Multifry
Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe in De'Longhi Multifry
Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe in De’Longhi Multifry

Bread and Butter Pudding
Serves 4
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  1. 5/6 sliced bread
  2. 30g butter
  3. 30g chocolate chip
  4. 400ml milk
  5. 4 egg yolks
  6. 90g sugar
  7. cinnamon, to taste
  8. vanilla, to taste - I used Nielsen-Masseys vanilla extract
  1. Remove the paddle from the bowl.
  2. Remove the crusts from the bread and spread butter on each side. Arrange inside the previously buttered bowl.
  3. Sprinkle the chocolate chip over the bread. Beat the eggs and sugar with an electric beater, add the milk, vanilla and beat until uniform.
  4. Pour the mixture over the slices of bread, making sure it is spread evenly. Sprinkle the surface with sugar and cinnamon as desired.
  5. Close the lid, set the thermostat dial to position 3, press the bottom heating element button and press the on/off button.
  6. Cook for 30 minutes, or until browned as desired.
Lilinha Angel's World - UK Food & Lifestyle Blog
We received a De’Longhi Multifry to take part in the challenge, however the opinions in the post as honest and our own.

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