How Good Is Your Hearing? Check it at the Hearing House!
As we get older, our body changes, our eyesight and hearing deteriorates, it is all a natural part of the aging process. I’ve started wearing glasses at 18 years old, and my vision got has worse in the past decade.
I am lucky I was born with perfect hearing, but I might need hearing aid when I get older. There are a number of reasons for hearing loss, it could occur due to illness, injury, accident, from birth, genetic and even noise induced over a period of time. The most commom is age related hearing loss, and it is part of getting older. It usually happens from 65 years old, however a lot of people start suffering from hearing loss in their 30s and 40s, so it is never too early to have a hearing test.
The Hearing House is a fun interactive game developed by the Hidden Hearing, a leading private hearing healthcare provider with over 40 years’ experience. In the game, you can check your hearing by listening to a variety of sounds to identify the room of the house you are in. By answering the questions, the number of correct answers could indicate how good your hearing is and whether you would benefit from a free hearing test.
I thought my hearing was perfect, but I got one answer wrong in the Hearing House, how about you?
Brought to you by Hidden Hearing