Pros & Cons: In Car Entertainment For Kids

Long trips are sometimes difficult for kids. Spending hours inside a moving vehicle can be boring for them. This is the reason why most parents provide in-car entertainment to keep the kids busy during long trips. However, providing in-car entertainment for the kids has its pros and cons. Learn about them below. 

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Pros of having in-car entertainment

There are various activities parents can think of when providing in-car entertainment for kids. They can play games, provide them with video games, and other activities to keep them preoccupied throughout the trip. This can benefit both the parents and the kids. Here are some of the pros of having in-car entertainment for the kids: 

  • Keeps the children busy – If kids are bored, they won’t hesitate to tell you. It can be quite difficult to deal with kids who are bored, as they tend to be cranky and some can even throw tantrums that are difficult to manage. One benefit of in-car entertainment is that it keeps children busy and helps pass the time. No matter what type of entertainment you give them, it is a sure way to keep the boredom away. 
  • Educational benefits – In a technologically driven world, kids are exposed to different types of technology including a tablet. Most parents allow their kids to play with tablets as a way of passing time during road trips. They can install educational games and other apps that have academic benefits for the kids. 
  • Family bonding time – Families often play games while in the car such as iSpy or other games. It strengthens the family bonding and it’s also a good way to have fun with the family and keep everyone entertained during a long travel. It keeps kids’ minds sharp as well. 

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Cons of having in-car entertainment

There is no doubt that having in-car entertainment is beneficial to the kids. However, there are also cons that we must look at. Here are some of them: 

  • Limits the kids’ creativity – More often than not, the first option for parents to entertain their kids is to give them a tablet or a smartphone to play with. It is easy for children to keep wanting to play with these gadgets instead of doing other activities. Children should also be exposed to other activities, so that they can flex their creative muscles. 
  • Can be a distraction – Children tend to be easily excited. When given in-car entertainment, they can be a distraction to the driver and this can lead to road accidents. Parents, in some cases the driver, will have to keep an eye on the kids and this can be dangerous while driving.
  • Less appreciation for sceneries – When given in-car entertainment, kids tend to concentrate on what they are doing and neglect to see the beauty of nature. This is especially true for those long trips with magnificent views of the country roads. It lessens their appreciation of nature, as they are concentrated on their electronics.

 With proper supervision, in-car entertainment can be beneficial for kids and parents alike. The scenario can be different for every family, but the most important thing to do is to be safe on the road during long trips. It is important to remember the rules surrounding in-car entertainment and it may be worth referring to your driving theory test to ensure you are driving safely and responsibly whilst having the most up to date gadgets in your vehicle.

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