Simple Pleasures in Life: Family Fun Day at the Park #MWactive
By now, I’m sure everyone knows how much we enjoy spending time together as a family whenever we get the chance to. Life is quite busy during the week as mummy and daddy both work full time and little man goes to school, so we make the most of our time together on weekends.
October is a Stay Active month and in order to encourage children and parents alike to stay fit and healthy, Mark Warner, the family activity holiday specialists, is hosting the Stay Active Family Challenge. We have agreed on taking part of the challenge by spending a minimum of 4 hours over the month taking part in activities of our choice as a family.

This weekend, we spent the afternoon in our local park together, we started our activities by walking to the park (20 minutes each way) instead of driving. We left home just after the rain, so we managed to stay dry the whole afternoon.

We couldn’t wait to get to the park and little man started running as soon as he spotted the bright yellow gates to the playground. The whole family had fun, little man managed to climb the monkey bars with daddy’s help and mummy also had a turn. I must admit I wasn’t great at it, but we all had fun.

We then played in the Mary go round, little man loved seeing mummy and daddy working our muscles by spinning him around. Our next stop was the swings, mummy and daddy took into turns swinging with little man, we all had a great laugh. I’ve spotted the boys making scary faces while they were at the swings.

Little man loves climbing, and after seeing how much fun he was having, I decided to join in and really enjoyed it. After climbing, we would go down at the slides and do it all over again and again. I don’t usually go in the slides with little man, but I couldn’t see any signs around saying about an age limit to use the playground, so I thought it wouldn’t harm anyone by doing so.

After a good play in the playground, off we went to explore the rest of the park. There is a large grass area which is perfect for running around and playing, we usually play football and ball games in this area. We then stopped to watch the ducks at the nearby lake.

Little man likes spotting different flowers, so we also went on a flower hunt, he was so happy when he found a feather on the grass by the lake. I must say I really enjoyed balancing on the little wall by the flowers, it was fun!

Our next activity was to look for conkers, we have never been on a conkers hunt before, so we were keen to find out how many conkers we could collect together. Little man’s teacher asked to take conkers to school on Monday, so it was a good excuse to add a conkers hunt in our family fun day.

We managed to fill up a bag of conkers, so little man’s teacher will be pleased with his findings. After a busy day at the park, we walked back home with a big smile on our faces. We had a great time together and enjoyed being active. We don’t need much in life, as long as we are together, we can have a fun-filled day, our family fun day in the park shows that simple pleasure in life are priceless.
We are looking forward to sharing our activities in the next few days as part of Mark Warner Stay Active Family Challenge, hopefully it would inspire you to get out and enjoy being active too.
I would love to hear what you are up to this month? Please feel free to share your activities and any suggestions you may have. Why not share your pictures or tweets with Mark Warner on twitter @mwholidays using the hashtag #mwactive. You can also search the hashtag for inspiration.
This post is part of our entry into Mark Warner’s Active Family Challenge. However the opinions expressed in this post are honest and my own.