Half Term Fun: Easy Sweet Recipe for Children (Docinho de Leite Ninho)

Happy Half Term!
Half term is great fun – parents get to stay in bed a bit longer and children love getting busy at home.
I like entertained little man at home by crafting, drawing and baking. Basically anything that makes him happy while we spend quality time together.
I have previously blogged about a Brazilian Recipe: Pineapple and Champagne Biscuit Layered Dessert.

While we were on our summer holiday in Brazil, we decided to make a traditional party sweet called “Docinho de leite ninho”.
It’s a powdered milk sweet, found in every birthday party you attend in Brazil.
They are an easy to make sweet and it requires minimal adult supervision as you don’t need to use the oven or cooker.

- 2 cups of powdered milk (dry milk)
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1 cup of desiccated coconut
- 1 cup of coconut milk

First you should mix the dry ingredients, then add the coconut milk until you get a dough like mixture.
Little man had a lot of fun mixing all the ingredients and making little balls.
I helped him a little by giving him the right amount of dough, so he could roll it until it was nice and round.
Afterwards little man rolled the balls on a plate with desiccated coconut and it is ready to be enjoyed!
It is best served chilled, however it is very yummy as soon as you make it. Enjoy!
They are so easy to make, that we actually make them twice (you probably noticed by the different t-shirts).
Please feel free to comment with your easy recipes for children!