Road Trip: London – Warrington – Blackpool #roadtripchallenge
The lovely people at MoneySupermarket gave us £50 to fill up our car and hit the road. So what did we do?
First of all, we went to our local garage and put fuel in our tank.

Then we got little man’s favourite DVDs and put for him to watch during the journey.

Once the drive (aka hubby) was ready, we hit the road and our journey began!

It started in London… We drove through green grass and cows – we don’t see much of any of those in London, so it was refreshing to see them in our road trip!

All the way to Warrington…

Where little man met his cousins, jumped on the trampoline…

Then dressed up with his cousins for a birthday party…

By the time we got to Blackpool, it was already night time, it was quite easy to spot Blackpool Tower in the dark. We were tired after a busy day, so we stopped at a hotel for the night.

The following day we went to Blackpool Tower…

The whole family enjoyed the view from the Eye, looking all over the city from the top of Blackpool Tower…
We then went to the circus and loved the performance…

We enjoyed the music and dance at the Ballroom..

Little man had fun at Jungle Jims, the children’s indoor play..

We all had a lovely time at Madame Tussauds, “meeting celebs”, hubby and little man ate some bugs in the jungle…
We had a great time at Blackpool and enjoyed our road trip. We will definitely be doing it all again soon, just filling up the car and driving looking for adventure. It was lovely leaving busy London for some fresh air and quality time as a family!

Thank you very much to MoneySupermarket for filling up our tank, we had a great time!
This is my entry for MoneySupermarket £50 Road Trip Challenge.